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Free Piercing
Free Piercing
on a lighter note, i´m getting my bellybutton pierced tomorrow too. has
aren't pierced like a 1.2, you could get it done at a piercing shop.
Pennsylvania Body Piercing Image Results
Body Piercing , Tattoo - Health Warning. photo: MK/WN. Body Piercing , Tattoo - Health Warning
chinese symbol reverse navel body piercing jewelry
Katesplayground pierced, withdrawing belly button and occasional piercing
I'm thinking of a Christina, which is technically a surface piercing.
Edit: Tragus btw lol ( i have my tongue, and three piercings my my other ear
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I personally find lip piercings much more nicer.
Got my Conch pierced yesterday. Absolutely love it to bits.
P.S. blayd i rly like ur piercingi think i wanna git my tongue pierced
Body Piercing , Tattoo - Health Warning. photo: MK/WN. Body Piercing , Tattoo - Health Warning
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Professional insertion tapers to strectch your piercing
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