Friday, January 14, 2011

rejecting surface piercing

This is when i had about 15 piercings in each ear and 4 in my bottom lip

This is when i had about 15 piercings in each ear and 4 in my bottom lip

 and if I just have to clean it using alcohol like any other piercings.

and if I just have to clean it using alcohol like any other piercings.

Piercings on the back are also, sometimes, referred to as the 'surface

Piercings on the back are also, sometimes, referred to as the 'surface

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Done with surface bars, corset piercings should leave little scarring

Done with surface bars, corset piercings should leave little scarring

 in another forum said the second pic looked liked it was rejecting but i

in another forum said the second pic looked liked it was rejecting but i

Surface hip

Surface hip

Surface piercing smycken raka och snea.

Surface piercing smycken raka och snea.

What is the APP Policy on Piercing Minors?

What is the APP Policy on Piercing Minors?

Does someone have experiance with this kind of piercings?

Does someone have experiance with this kind of piercings?

A surrogate missile is launched from a water-piercing missile launcher at

A surrogate missile is launched from a water-piercing missile launcher at

I always took care of my industrial and SSS it but my piercing seems to give

I always took care of my industrial and SSS it but my piercing seems to give

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Piercings > Surface Added As Favorite (0) Add Tag

 over a surface as they have a really high success rate and rarely reject

over a surface as they have a really high success rate and rarely reject

surface hip piercings stretch my ear

surface hip piercings stretch my ear

Nape piercing (Back of neck). A bit of an impulse, randomly got it done.

Nape piercing (Back of neck). A bit of an impulse, randomly got it done.

This was a reject from a magazine, but it's still one of my favorite cards,

This was a reject from a magazine, but it's still one of my favorite cards,

NAPE PIERCING PAINFUL Your nape, dermal or surface, get a whole They are

NAPE PIERCING PAINFUL Your nape, dermal or surface, get a whole They are

Re: Dermal Anchor Sternum & Styles Body Piercing Microdermal

Re: Dermal Anchor Sternum & Styles Body Piercing Microdermal

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Piercings > Surface Added As Favorite (1) Add Tag


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